About Aiea Jaff

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So far Aiea Jaff has created 6 blog entries.

Hunger Doesn’t Take a Break

The Effects of Summer Hunger Food insecurity is particularly difficult for children. Hunger and inadequate nutrition can cause cognitive and physical impairments during critical development that lasts a lifetime. School lunches play a vital role, and during the summer months, those regular meals are unavailable. Many times, children receive their healthiest meals at school, helping ...

2023-07-26T13:29:52-06:00July 26, 2023|Uncategorized|

A Dire Situation

Karen has always been a go-getter. She started her first business — a pet store called Karen’s Kritters — when she was just 18 years old. She juggled entrepreneurship and restaurant work for years before being promoted to her biggest job yet: motherhood. Never one to do things halfway, Karen poured everything into being ...

2023-01-10T08:12:55-07:00January 10, 2023|Impact Stories|

6 Ways To Give Back This Holiday Season

During the holiday season, we’re inspired to give back. Here are six easy ways to help our neighbors facing hunger, that aren’t complicated or time-consuming. For every $1 donated, we can provide $5 worth of groceries through our pantries! Your gift to Community Food Share provides fresh, nutritious food to families, seniors, and individuals ...

2023-01-31T13:26:20-07:00November 14, 2022|Uncategorized|

Growing for Good

One core value has driven Rich Andrews for his entire career: the health of our planet is worth fighting for.  As a kid, he didn’t think of his family’s farm in eastern Kansas as much more than a beautiful playground. But as he got older and pursued a career in chemical engineering, agriculture became ...

2022-07-07T15:39:47-06:00July 6, 2022|Impact Stories|

Battling the Stigma Within

When Amanda first stepped foot inside a food pantry, her feelings of relief were stifled by a looming sense of defeat.  The relief was easy enough to understand. With her shopping cart full, Amanda no longer needed to worry about what her family would eat that week. The defeat, however, was more complicated. It ...

2022-07-07T15:38:21-06:00July 6, 2022|Impact Stories|