Shattering the Stigma

There’s a story about hunger that’s gone untold: hunger on college campuses. For decades, we’ve laughed at the stereotype of students surviving on ramen noodle diets, but the joke’s over. A study released this spring revealed that 45% of university and college students in America report being food insecure. As the costs associated with ...

2021-01-04T15:37:34-07:00December 11, 2020|Impact Stories|

There With Care

Cancer. Few words carry as much weight as this one. For Laura, it’s a word that currently qualifies one of her cherished titles: no longer is she simply a “mom,” she’s now a “cancer mom.” At age three, Laura’s daughter, Claire, was diagnosed with an extremely rare and aggressive brain cancer. Her son was born just three months prior.   Laura and her husband watched as chemo ...

2020-11-12T14:38:17-07:00December 1, 2020|Impact Stories|