Required Service Hours

We welcome volunteers who need to complete community service hours for school, church, court, scouts, or SNAP.

How To Get Started

For details on age requirements, scheduling, and tasks, please visit our Individuals & Families page.

Policies for Court-Mandated Community Service

  • Charges related to harassment, violence, or sexual misconduct are prohibited.

  • You must provide documentation of your requirement and your case worker’s or probation officer’s contact information upon arrival of your first shift. You must bring these papers with you to orientation so we can make a photocopy.

Two volunteers distribute food on site at Community Food Share.

Tracking Hours

It is your responsibility to clock in and out at every shift to ensure your hours are accurately tracked in our volunteer database. Once you have completed your service hours, the volunteer department is happy to report your hours and sign any required paperwork. If you’d like to monitor your hours before your service is complete, you can do so by signing in to the Volunteer Portal.