Donations from Individuals

Whether it’s donating non-perishable items from your pantry or purchasing nutritious food items specifically for donation, every contribution counts. These generous acts of giving help us provide essential nourishment to individuals and families in our community.

Small Food Donations

Accepted Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-3:00 PM
If your donations fit in a few bags or boxes that can be carried from your vehicle in one or two trips, you can bring them to our office lobby. We accept perishable and non-perishable items that are unopened (see details below).

Large Food Donations

Accepted Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-2:00 PM
If you have a larger load of food donations, please drive to the back of our building, and pull into dock door 3. Ring the bell, and a staff member will happily assist you with unloading.

Items to Donate

  • Nut Butters
  • Cereal & Oatmeal
  • Canned Fruits
  • Soups & Stews
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Pasta & Canned Sauce
  • Beans (Canned or Dry)
  • Canned Tuna & Chicken

Food Donation Guidelines

  • Canned and Dry Goods: Unopened and in original packaging with labels; packaging is in good condition (no dents, bulging, or rust); donated no more than 6 months past use-by date.

  • Fresh Produce: Uncut with no signs of mold, spoilage, or severe bruising; we accept garden-fresh produce as well.

  • Dairy Products: Unopened; must have been kept at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower at all times (including transportation to CFS); donated on or before the sell-by date.

  • Meat Products: Unopened and frozen on or before the sell-by date; items must be less than 3 months old (and frozen the entire time).

  • Baked Goods: Must be prepared in a licensed kitchen; in their original packaging with proper labeling; donated no more than 2 days past the sell-by date.

  • Deli Products (e.g. salads and sandwiches): Unopened and in the original packaging with labels and complete list of ingredients; donated before the sell-by date.

  • Prepared & Catered Food: If you are a caterer or you have a large donation of prepared foods, please contact Dana Van Daele, our Senior Food Resource & Compliance Manager in advance: (303) 652-3663 ext. 233.

Additional Ways to Donate Food

Help us grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs — whether it’s in your own garden, at our ‘Community Roots’ farm, or with one of our partners.

Garden Share

Whether you’re an individual or a large food business, you can donate food to Community Food Share. Thanks to our donors, we’re able to distribute enough food to feed a sold-out Ball Arena every single day!

Product Donations

Physical food drives are a great way to engage your friends, family, school, or company by collecting non-perishable food items to donate to Community Food Share.

Physical Food Drive


Please call (303) 652-3663 ext. 233, or email to speak to our Senior Food Resource & Compliance Manager.

Our Core Pillars


We empower families and individuals in need, ensuring fair access for all to nourishing food through our programs and partners, helping our neighbors achieve their health and nutrition goals.


We join hands with partner agencies and community members, working together to enhance our ability to receive, store, and distribute food. Through collaboration, we stand strong in our fight against hunger.


We are committed to promoting sustainable operations and upholding the highest standards of food safety and quality. This ensures that Community Food Share remains a trusted and reliable source of food, bringing peace of mind and nourishment to our community.


Together, we raise awareness about food insecurity, integrating community input, and making decisions rooted in data and evaluation.